Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are many ways virtual worlds can be used. Gaming online, training programs for military and even for astronauts. Also it can be used for teaching, communication and even be used by businesses for their profits. There are many pros and cons of virtual reality. Some advantages are that you can play games which can be fun and you can do things in them which you wouldn't be able to in real life. Another advantage is teaching military people and training them before sending them out to the actual dangerous places and this way you can prepare them without having to put their life in danger. Additional pros are for medical training because that way students learn about surgery without actually putting a patients life in danger. These are just some of many pros of virtual worlds. There are cons of virtual worlds as well which negatively impact many people. Some cons of virtual worlds are that they require a lot of time to make and it needs lots of financial backup to create which can be costly. Then there is lag time which can create problems as well and due to that all the students for example might not be on the same page while doing a virtual surgery which can create communication problems. Also we have to realize all the technology that is created day by day and it will definitely have problems and then we also have problems with hacking and stuff which can cause many problems as well. 

"Avatar II: The Hospital" talks about how they use virtual world to help with medical training and clinical skills to help teach students. This shows how amazing virtual worlds can be for training people in the medical field without having to put any life in danger. With this you save lots of money because you can train many students at the same time. Another article called, "No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You", talks about how if someone can't afford to buy a very expensive care like a Bentley in real life than they can have the experience through virtual world which is amazing. So people who can't afford certain things they can experience them in virtual world by saving so much money as well.

Virtual worlds foster creativity because they allow people to build things which they can't in real life and they can also do it faster through this. With this you can make creative models and designs without having to build them and you can see how you actually want certain things and that can help you with more improved ideas. I think in the future it will be a very big thing and something that will be more in demand. I think that in the future people will use virtual worlds to teach all students in classes and have them experience what it really is like in the world of their career. 


1. Simon, Stephanie. "Avatar II: The Hospital." The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, 13 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.

2. Ferla, Ruth La. "No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Oct. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

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