Wednesday, March 1, 2017

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blog is a new media tool which is used for personal opinions and it's used for people to just share their thoughts about anything with everyone whereas a Wiki is more of a collaborative platform where many people can add or edit stuff. A Wiki allows people to share information with others about almost anything and it is more of a information based new media unlike Blogs which are mainly for personal thoughts almost like a personal journal.

In todays world its very important for us to be able to share information with other people and Wiki and Blogs help us with that. Through this people can collaborate by adding information and editing it which helps everyone. Gardiner Morse states that "Thousands of organizations use wiki to aggregate the knowledge of their far-flung employees, creating a place for them to electronically converge and collaborate on everything from planning meetings and documenting best practices to brainstorming about new products and processes", this shows us how Wiki has become such a successful new media communication for companies to be able to easily communicate and give their insight through posts rather than in person which might be harder for some people. This allows things to speed up incase someone isn't able to show up to work and stuff as well. 

Blogs can be a very useful tool and could lead to very serious issues. Just like in the article by Michael Wilson, it shows how blogs of a few people helped to catch drug dealers. It is amazing how some people just had blogged about something happening just randomly without really realizing how dangerous things were going. Had these people not blogged about the weird and unusual things happening maybe the drug raid would have never happened. So this just goes to show us how strong a blog can be used appropriately.


1.) Morse, Gardiner. "Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on making the most of company wikis." Harvard Business Review. April 2008. Web. 1 Mar. 2017.

2.) Wilson, Michael. "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 June 2008. Web. 1 Mar. 2017.

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