Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog: Next New

As a CIS major having coding skills, in the near future I want to build an app which will allow doctors, patients and pharmacy's to communicate with each other directly and instantly rather than waiting to visit them or calling them. For example, the app would allow a doctor to send prescriptions of patients directly through the app and that way the patient will also be sent notifications notifying them of their medicine being sent to the pharmacy and when it is ready for pick-up. The app will also allow doctors from all over the world to answer questions of patients regarding any health issues. So a doctor from India could be answering the question of someone from Canada maybe about a heart condition. This app will be able to not only connect patients with doctors, but also doctors themselves can also communicate about certain things and learn from each other and exchange information. Also one more important thing is this app will allow all your doctors to be able to communicate with each other like your cardiologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist and etc can all talk with each other about some issue that relates to a patient and it's important that all your specialists doctors are also notified of any changes in medications you take so they know what to prescribe you without hurting you.


  1. Hi Farzana,

    What a great idea. It is especially useful for those of us who wake up in the middle of the night and start panicking over potential health issues. Instead of having to either rush to the emergency room and wait hours, or wait until the morning, we'd be able to just login to this site and access professional opinions right away. I think this would definitely be a helpful tool and a welcome addition to new media.


  2. I think your idea is amazing. I always complained when I had to wait your my doctor for hours even though I had I reserved for an appointment in advance. Many people travel or live in foreign countries this app will keep the connection between patients and doctors overseas. Also, it will reduce the patients' time for visiting multiple doctors offices and pharmacy and in an emergency. I think this idea will be the most significant new media to everyone around the world.
